

英 [əb'hɔː] 美 [æb'hɔː] .

1.vt.&vi.深恶痛绝;憎恶,厌恶 I abhor war and violence of any kind. 我痛恨战争和一切暴力行为。 He was born into a family where gambling had been abhorred for generations. 他出生在一个几代人都深恶痛绝赌博的家庭里。

2.vt. 极度讨厌(某事物) You can never say you are bored with reading, especially if you really love books or learning new things – but there will be times when the only thing that seems to help is to go out and do something completely different——like going on holiday. 在读书的过程中,你不可能总是说“我无聊透顶”的,尤其是当你真的很爱看书或学习新事物的时候。但是有时唯一能让心情好转的方法就是马上离开去做其他事情——比如去度假。 因此可以引申为“对…感到厌烦到极点”、“受不了…的刺激而逃开” We were just getting started when her phone rang. She abhorred interruptions so I answered it. 我们刚开始演奏时她的电话响了,她最讨厌被打扰了,所以我接了电话。

3.vt. 对…有反感 There seemed no reason why he should feel such abhorrence towards me. 他似乎没什么理由对我如此反感。


1)回避;避免 She decided not to have dinner at home because she found the thought of cooking too abhorrent. 她决定不在家吃晚饭,因为想到要做饭她就觉得厌烦至极。

2)(对某事)感到恶心,作呕 He made a face as though he were about to vomit with abhorrence. 他做出欲呕吐的表情,似乎对他来说那令人作呕。
