

Semester ,读音:[siˈmestə(r) ] n. 学期;半年 1、作名词时,表示“学年分季"的意思,英文解释是A period of less than a year in which teaching at school or college is carried out according to certain fixed rules, and usually divided into two or three parts with long holidays between them called terms或a four- or six-month period during the year when some institutions of higher education offer full-time studies as opposed to the more customary part-time system。

2、做动词时,意为”把...分成季度“的意思,英文解释是To divide (a curriculum, for example) into semesters so that there are regular intervals for examinations。比如The course will be taught over five semesters。这个课程将上五个学期。

3、还表示一种计量单位的含义,用semester作单位来测量时间长度。一个semester相当于上个定义里所说的三到四个月的时间。 例:How many semesters did he take to graduate?他花了几个学期才毕业?

4、还有“学院” 的意思,常与academy搭配使用,指供非大学本科教育的机构。 例:He is studying for his master's degree in library science at the city's academy of fine arts。他在市美术学院学习图书馆科学硕士学位。
