"去求救 英语俚语怎么说"?


I need to ask for help(正式) I'm looking for a hand(比上面更随意一点!) I ran into trouble, and now I'm completely stumped. Do you mind giving me a nudge in the right direction?(比较正式,一般用在向别人请教问题时) He needs a helping hand with that problem.(同上) You are my last resort. Please come to my rescue.(比较正式) Will you lend me a helping hand?(比上面更随意一点!) I wonder if there is anyone who can give me a hand with this.(委婉地请求别人的帮助)

以上句子都来自美国俚语词典。 个人感悟: 1、求助别人时,不要用太正式的语调; 2、求助别人时,一定要表达清楚自己遇到了什么样的麻烦事,这样才能得到有效的帮助;


4、平时多说多用,就能熟能生巧。 在学习英语的过程中,我们不可避免地会遇到很多生词。如果你只是机械性地背单词,很可能会让你事倍功半。那么,如何高效记单词呢? 方法很简单:“造句子”。

比如看到单词prove,你可以设想一下它作为及物动词的用法:The evidence proved his guilt. 还可以想象它作为不及物动词的用法:We will prove him wrong eventually. 再联想它的名词用法:What he did proved to be the right decision.

同样,看到单词ask可以想象它是及物动词的用法:He asked her to marry him. 想象它是不及物动词的用法:She asked him out on a date. 联想起它的名词用法:It was just an innocent question asking after your welfare. 这样,在脑海中模拟出一个使用场景,将新单词放在语境中,既能保证快速记忆,又能防止遗忘。
