

这个单词是“一边倒”的意思,形容两个量(比如人和车的数量)不成正比时的状态,也就是“一边多,一边少” 那么这个词的读法也是按英文字母表来发音的——

L-o-p-s-i-d-e-d. (注:我上面写的lopsided是缩写,全称是lopsidedness)。

但这个词还有另一个意思——“不平衡的;偏倚的” 当它表示这种含义时,其用法更为普遍且接近于我们中文里的“平衡”概念。例如:

① She'll need to learn how to walk again after so many years loping on all fours like an animal.

② There are good reasons for the US government's lopsided support of Israel and bad ones.

③ The book is about a woman looking back on her life with regret, feeling that she has been unfairly judged by history because she was a woman and therefore deemed less important than men in a lopsided way.

④ He felt he had no choice but to vote Democrat in this year's elections, given how lopsided the Republican candidate's views were on key social issues.
