"从北 听到西安有多远英语怎么说"?


I am so excited about travelling to Xian that I can hardly sleep at night. I don't know what to expect but the anticipation is driving me wild! 到西安旅行让我兴奋得难以入睡,我不知道将会发生什么,但期待的喜悦令我如痴如醉。(期待值太高了会失眠的)

My heart beats wildly when I think of visiting Xian and seeing the Terracotta Army . Everything makes sense now——the crazy ideas, the strange questions asked by my father, his sudden trips to the store……it was all leading up to this moment! 想到要参观西安和兵马俑,我的心跳得飞快。现在一切都说得通了——那些疯狂的想法、父亲问的那些奇奇怪怪的问题还有他突然间去的超市……都是迈向这一时刻的准备。

The time has come for us to leave our comfort zone behind and enter the realm Of the Chinese Empire once again. After a long journey we will reach our destination and finally discover the truth. 现在是时候让我们离开舒适区,再次进入中华帝国的疆土了。经过一段漫长的旅程后,我们将抵达目的地,最终发现真相。

I wonder how old these terracotta soldiers are and if they can tell me their story in English 我想知道这些陶俑士兵有多少岁了,他们是否能用英文告诉我他们的故事。 Or maybe it would be better if they just showed me...with their hands 或许最好还是让他们用双手展示给我看……
