

Hollington is very small with about 400 students. 霍洛威是一所非常小的学校,大约有四百名学生。 In the first year you are placed in Halls of Residence and have a single room. 第一年你被分配到学生宿舍,有一个单人间。 Each hall has its own common room, wifi etc. 每个大厅都有自己的公共休息室、wifi等。 In second and third year you can choose to stay in halls or private accommodation (shared house with other students). 到了第二第三个年头,你可以选择住在校外,或是和同学一起合租私人公寓。

The college buildings are pretty modern though there isn't much green space. The sports facilities are good but there aren't many clubs that you can join so it is quite a solitary experience if you don't make friends quickly. 校园建筑都很新,但是绿化不多。体育设施不错,但是可供参加的社团很少,如果你不能很快交到朋友的话可能会感到孤独。

The social scene is centered around pubs/clubs etc at university level, lots of parties. 在这个社交场合,酒吧/俱乐部等等在大学水平上,有很多派对。 There is also a student union which organises movie nights etc. 还有学生联合会组织放映电影等活动。 At sixth form college level, there will be events every week organised by the individual colleges. 在高级班阶段,各院系会每周举办活动。

It's hard to describe the overall atmosphere because it depends on who your friends are and what your interests are like. 很难形容整体的气氛,因为这取决于你的朋友是谁和你的兴趣是什么的。 I would say however that it's an ideal environment for anyone looking for a place where they can focus on their studies without being distracted by the social side as well. 我说它是这样,是因为它是一个理想的环境,让每一个人都可以专注在学习上,不必分心在社会上。
