

新托福考试是由四部分组成,分别是:听力、口语、阅读和写作。其中阅读部分共有 30 道题,考试时间大约 50min。每道题都是选择题形式从题目中挑出三个答案选项,考生只需要从中选一个最佳答案。





“At the turn of this century was discovered an interesting phenomenon relating to tidal motion. In the ocean depths water is permanently in motion due to the Earth’s rotation on its axis and its revolution around the sun (Figure 2). The surface of the ocean shows two high tides a day with respect to each other as well as a larger and smaller set of diurnal (daily) tides corresponding to the gravitational attraction by the Moon and Sun , respectively. However, at deep oceanic trenches many hundreds of kilometers from the nearest coast where there are no tidal ranges associated with land masses or islands, one often finds that the rate of vertical motion of particles along the ocean floor exceeds that of gravity causing them to float upward like balloons (figure 4).”




“The use of fossil fuels, of course, has affected the environment in many ways. One consequence is a steady increase in the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, a gas that forms part of the greenhouse effect . Another effect has been an increase in the temperature of the oceans, which now appears to be rising at an average rate of 0.6℃ per decade . A further consequence will be the gradual melting of glaciers and the ice caps of Greenland and Antarctica, which together hold enough water to raise sea level by about 70 meters If this were to happen, it would inundate low-lying coastal areas worldwide and render unusable large regions now supporting heavy population concentrations (table 1)."



出处:本题答案为第四章的前两段内容 “In summary, then, the cell membrane acts both as a selective barrier, letting nutrients pass into cells while blocking the passage of germs and toxic chemicals, and as a communication network, sending signals between cells and the outside world. It achieves these ends
