

考T的间隙来看此篇答案。 17年8月30日首考,92分,阅读写作满分听力25口语24(真的跪了)。




18年5月19日五考,分数103,口语写作双双爆表26+25 18年6月23日六考,103.

18年7月21日七考,101 目前累计备考时间大概两年半左右,正式备考时间是半年,考前练习一共不超过十次。


所以托福是我跟法国人说的第一句英语 “How are you?” “I am fine, thank you and you? ” (在法国留学期间英语成绩一直优异,雅思8.0 听说读写四项都是8+的成绩)



下面分享一下我的学习经验: 单词:

Aptitude(天赋) Vocabulary(词汇)

My biggest Aptitude is for words, especially unfamiliar words。 I remember things easily because I can visualize them in my head and put the pieces together with other words that make a sentence。 My Vocab was never huge but it seemed to be enough as long as the sentences were structured. For me, the way I learn best is by breaking down complex subjects into simple terms and then putting those small parts back together again。 我对单词的理解和大部分考生不一样,我不需要去背意思,我只需要记住它们的形状并且知道怎么用即可。举个例子,比如看到这个单词“succeed” ,我会联想它前面的词“success” ,后面的词“succed” 然后结合语境猜测它是“成功-之后”的意思。

另外我在背单词的时候喜欢把一个单词的所有形式都一起记下(动词短语,形容词,名词等等)这样记忆起来就更直观了。 语法:

I am not an English major so I didn't have any formal teaching of grammar, just whatever my parents and teachers at school taught me. But I am self-taught also, from reading and watching videos on line. The online resources are amazing! I particularly watched videos presented in a fun way on how to form the perfect paragraph. You don't need to study grammar formally if you read and write naturally, at least that's what I found.

The only real hard rule I could follow was to avoid using passive voice unless absolutely necessary. It's easy to fall into the passive voice and use "to be" or "have been" where active voice would be much clearer and more natural. Passive voice seems to be preferred when we want to sound official or when we are not sure about something。

我是自学语法的,从网上看各种视频和学习材料,我觉得我的语法基础主要是靠看各种材料自己总结得来的。 刷题:

