


英 [bɑː] 美 [bær] 名词 n. 1.酒吧间[C] We went to a pub for a drink. 我们去了一家酒吧喝酒。 2.(酒吧里的)一杯酒,饮料[C] He ordered another beer. 他又要了一杯啤酒。 3.【美】(由私人拥有的)酒类销售商;卖酒的人[C] I have to go see my barkeep about getting some whisky. 我得去看看我的酒保能否弄些威士忌来。

及物动词 vt. 1.给…一杯酒喝She was barred from entering the bar because she wasn't dressed like a customer. 因为她不像个顾客,所以被拦在了酒店门外。 2.(在酒吧里)供应…饮料(或酒水)[O](with infinitive) The bar will be serving food tonight. 今晚酒吧里供应饭菜。 (informal) 3.阻止The referee tried to bar him from scoring again. 裁判试图再次阻止他进球。 4.阻止…进入[W][O] The police are trying to bar people with bad records from voting. 警察正在想方设法禁止劣迹斑斑的人投票。

不及物动词 vi. 1.互相碰杯,干杯[L] Let us drink to your health!让我们为你健康干杯! 2.(酒等)变酸;变质[L] My milk has gone off - the barrel needs to be taken to the pub and turned into vinegar. 我的牛奶坏了——桶里装的是酸奶,需要拿到酒吧里去换点钱。 名词 n. 1.(酒吧、酒馆等的)女招待;女服务员 She trained as a bar maid at school. 她在校练习做女侍者。 2.(非正式)坏蛋;流氓[C] There were two hoods loitering on the street corner. 有两个流氓在街角转悠。
