

diversity(多音字,这里读作[daɪ'vɜːsəti])是一个描写主观感受的形容性短语,而不是一个名词。因此不能说It is diversity.而是要说We see great diversity...或者There is so much diversity that it boggles the mind. 类似的表达还有“great variety”和“enormous variety”等,它们都是描述性的短语而非名词。这一点与单词genus(属)作名词时表示“一类事物里的所有物种或个体的总称”不同。虽然genus前面可以用不定冠词a来修饰,但表示“一群种类各异的人/动物”时,用名词短语of varying kinds 更准确。


1 My car collection contains a wide diversity of makes and models. 我收藏的汽车多种多样。

2 There are thousands of species in the natural world, displaying an incredible variety of forms. 自然界有成千上万种生物,形态各种各样。

3 We need to encourage greater diversity at senior levels in our organization. 我们需要鼓励组织高层有更多元化的构成。

4 I love shopping for clothes, because there is such a huge range of styles to choose from. 我喜欢逛时装店,因为各式各样的款式多到令人惊叹。

5 He tried out every computer on the market to determine which machine best suited his needs——an exercise fraught with difficulty as different brands offered computers of very distinct varieties. 他试用了市场上所有的计算机,以确定哪台机器最适合他的需求——由于不同品牌提供的计算机有着非常大的差异,这一过程充满了困难。

6 The show features more than two dozen dancers drawn from diverse backgrounds. 演出阵容超过二十人,舞蹈演员的背景各有不同。
