

在签证有效期内,提前三十天(含)以上(工作日)向大使馆或总领事馆提交延期申请并交验申请材料; 申请材料包括:有效的护照原件、J-1签证纸原件、I20原件、DS-160确认页原件、SEVIS FA07表格原件(打印件)、身份证正反面复印件、一张二寸照片(白底彩色) 在美国学习或工作的学生、交流访问学者等申请人请使用签证申请表(DS-160)在线填写并提交。 持J类非移民签证来美的申请人须到指定的使领馆递交材料,接受面谈。 您可以在预约面谈时间的时候同时选择是否要同时办理签证延期,如果不需要的话则在赴馆面谈时携带所有的申请材料原件。如果预约时未能确定是否需要办延期,则应携带所有申请材料原件赴馆。

注:在美国,根据《移民和国籍法》第264条规定,外国公民不得获得超过签证有效期30天的入境准许,该规定适用于所有以非移民身份申请的外国人。对于因特殊情况确需延长签证有效期的外国人,可依据《移民和国籍法》第275条申请延期,但延长时间不超过30天且只能延期一次。 第264款原文如下: The duration of stay authorized by this section shall be limited to a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. No person shall be granted more than one extension under this section or permitted to remain in the United States beyond the date of expiration of the authorization specified in his or her nonimmigrant visa. 第275款原文如下: Any alien who has violated the conditions of parole established by this section may, at the discretion of the Attorney General, be arrested without warrant and returned to the jurisdiction of the court from whose mandate the alien was paroled; provided that the alien is given notice of any such arrest and an opportunity for a hearing before being removed, deported, or excluded.
