

/'ɑːɡjuː/ 中文没有直译单词,“阿杰乌”。注意发音的时候不要把字母“u”发成“o”的音。该词意为“争论、争辩”,可用于各种场景下的交谈,表示“跟…辩驳”“对…发表评论或提出质疑”“就…进行解释并说服对方”等含义。例:

1.The professor argued that the new theories were all wrong. 教授认为那些新理论全部有误。

2.We can argue until we're blue in the face about whether or not you should take his advice. 我们对你是否应当接受他的忠告可以一直争论下去,直到脸都变绿了为止。

3.You can't really expect to persuade him with arguments like those. 你用那样的理由是无法真正说服他的。

4.No one could seriously argue with her logic. 没人能驳倒她的逻辑。

5.I don't know where he gets these ridiculous ideas from- it is so hard to argue with a man who believes what he wants to believe. 我不知道他是从哪里得来这些荒谬的想法——同一个人反复相信自己想相信的东西真是难于应对。
