

这句话用英语说就是“to go or to stay”,其中“or”是一个连词,连接了两个动词或两个名词,表示二者选其一的意思。 例句:

1. I am thinking of going into politics, so what do you think——should I go for it or not? 我在考虑进入政界,那么你觉得呢?我该不该尝试一下呢?

2. The weather is awful and I don't feel like going out, so I guess we are just staying in and watching a movie tonight. 好天气终于过去了,我不想出去,所以我想我们今天晚上就待在家里看电影吧。

3. We have been living with my parents while looking for an apartment, but now that we have found one, should we keep looking or take the new place as it is and start over? 我们一直住在父母家找房,然而现在我们已经找到了房子,是该继续找下去还是接受现在这个新房重新开始呢?

4. You know how much money I make, and how much you earn, so which would be better——for me to go back to work or stay home and raise children? 你知道我的收入和你挣得一样多,所以我该回去工作还是在家养育孩子呢?哪个更好一些?

5 to go or to stay:这个句子可以换成以下两种说法。这两个表达意思相同,但使用对象稍微有些区别,可以根据个人喜好进行选择使用。

a) To go or to stay? Which would you prefer?(询问对方意愿,更建议日常交流中使用)

b) Shall we talk about what to do——go or stay?(提出方案供对方选择,正式一点)
